More Log Books uploaded!
Recently a lot of time was spent to upload more flying log books of SAAF WW2 aviators to this site. Some of these are from stalwart combat pilots who's level of bravery and endurance can only be admired:
(go to the "Log Books" page)
Piggy Boyle DFC, 1 sqn
Bill Bidwell, 5 sqn
Wally Brunton DFC, 4 sqn
PD Bryant, 2 sqn
HJP Burger, 1 sqn
Moon Collingwood DFC, 1 sqn
AQ de Wet DFC, 5 sqn
Hoefie Hauptfleisch, AFC
Jim Hollins, 7 sqn
Bob Kershaw DSO DFC, 7 sqn
Jerks Maclean DFC, 1 sqn
Jack Meaker, 2 sqn
Frank Montanari, 7 sqn
Jack Parsonson DSO, 5 sqn
Robbie Robinson, 1 sqn
Bruce Rose-Christie, 1 sqn
Denis Triblehorn, 7 sqn
Topper van der Spuy, 2 sqn
Corrie van Vliet, 7 sqn