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These video interviews were done at Bomb's Cape Town home in 2011.

Bomb did three operational tours. He joined 1 squadron in North Africa in 1941 and went through the tough period of the retreat to Alamein and then the follow-up offensive in 1942 when they had the Germans on the run.

He then had two tours to Italy and ended up as OC of 2 squadron. Bomb is one of the 14 SAAF fighter pilots to have received the DFC and Bar.


Visit Bomb's tribute page HERE



1) Shot down and wounded.

3) Squadron organization.

4) Operational training unit (71 OTU) 1941

5) Learning to fly the Hurricane.

6) Dog fight RT communication.

7) Aircraft gun synchronization.

8) Observing during ops.

9) Reflector sight and deflection shooting.

10) Sand storms.

11) Dog fights in the desert

12) In hospital for wounds

13) Rescue of a fellow pilot in the desert

14) Slit trenches in the desert

15) Missing pilot's clothing

16) Dummy airfield disaster

17) Snake in cockpit

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